Allen Knutson's other class

Saturday, April 28, 2007

HW due May 4

1. Let F be Galois over K, and f in F be algebraic over K. Let {f_i} be the orbit of f under the Galois group.
a. Show that the set {f_i} is finite, and
b. the polynomial \Prod (x-f_i) is in K[x], irreducible, and has f as a root.

2. Let Sn act on the field Q(a1,...,an) of rational functions in n variables. Let eiS be the ith elementary symmetric polynomial in the {aj, j in S}. As that Wikipedia page (v. 4/28/07) indicates, the invariant subfield is generated by the {ei1,2,...,n =: ei}.

a. What is the minimal polynomial of a1, in Q(e1,...,en)?
b. Let n=4. Describe all subgroups of S4 up to conjugacy.
For each conjugacy class of subgroup of S4, write down generators for the fixed field.
For each such field F, write down the minimal polynomial in F[x] for each ai.

3. Let F be a field of characteristic p.
a. If F is finite, show that the Frobenius is onto.
b. If F is algebraically closed, show that the Frobenius is onto.
c. Give an example where it's not onto.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Fri Apr 20

Finite fields are Galois over Fp. The Galois group is generated by the Frobenius.

Nailed down the Galois correspondence. Lemma: If F > E > H > K, E > H is finite, and H''=H, then E''=E. Galois correspondence when applied to H=K.

An extension is Galois iff the Galois group is big enough.

Normal subgroups <-> subfields E stable under the Galois group, which in turn implies that F/E, E/K are Galois extensions, and there is a short exact sequence of Galois groups.


HW due Fri Apr 27

1. Let F > K be an algebraic field extension, f in F, p(x),q(x) two nonzero polynomials in K[x] of which f is a root. Assume that p(x) has lowest degree. Show that p is irreducible and p|q.

2. Define the derivative q' of a polynomial q without using limits, so that you can apply it to polynomials with arbitrary coefficients.

a. If p,q are two polynomials such that p2 | q, show that p divides gcd(q,q').

b. If q is an irreducible polynomial in K[x] where K is a field of characteristic zero, and F is a field extension of K, show that q cannot have a repeated factor when factored in F[x].

3. Let F = Fp(a), the field of rational functions. Consider the map F[x] -> Fp(b) taking x |-> b, a |-> bp.

a. Prove that xp-a is irreducible in F[x].
Hint. For r(b) in Fp[b], show that r(bp) = r(b)p, a nice extension of the Freshman's Dream. Then reconsider the map above.

b. Let Fp(b) be the extension suggested above, where bp = a. Show that b is the only root of the irreducible polynomial xp-a.

4. Let p(x) = the polynomial xpn - x in Fp[x].

a. Show that p(x) has no repeated roots.

b. Show that p(x) is the product of all monic irreducible polynomials in Fp[x] of degree at most dividing n.

c. Write out this factorization for p=2, n=4.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

HW due Friday April 20

1. Show that Q[cube root of two, omega] is a simple extension, where omega = exp(2 pi i/3).

2. Let F = K[u], a finite simple extension, where u satisfies an irreducible polynomial p(x) in K[x].

a. Let u' be another root in F. Show there exists an automorphism of F taking u to u'.

b. Show |Gal(K/F)| is at most deg(f) deg(p).

c. Determine Gal(Q[cube root of two, omega] / Q), meaning, for each group element write down what it does to those two field elements.

3. Let F > K denote a field extension, with R a ring in between the two.

a. Give an example where R is not a field.

b. If F is algebraic over K, show R is indeed a field.

4. Let R be a domain, K the fraction field of R (so, not matching the notation in #3), F an extension of K, and f in F algebraic over K.
Show there exists a nonzero r in R such that rf is integral over R.

5. What are all the rings between Z and Q?
Which ones are finitely generated as Z-algebras?
Which ones are finitely generated as Z-modules?


Monday, April 09, 2007

Fri Apr 6

This was a one-shot lecture in case prospective students showed up.

Composites of left adjoints are left adjoints.
In particular, the symmetric algebra of a module is a quotient of the tensor algebra.
The universal enveloping algebra of an anticommuting algebra.
The Jacobi identity.
Lie algebras.
Statement of the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem.


Saturday, April 07, 2007

HW #1 due Friday Apr 13

1. In class we lamented that for G acting on a finite set X, we could hardly figure out anything about the action knowing only XG.

Let ZX be the free abelian group generated by X; the action of G on X extends in a unique way to an action on Zx by group automorphisms.

What can you determine about the action of G on X, knowing (ZX)G?

2. Define an R-supermodule as...
oh, this sounds so exciting! ...
... a pair (M0,M1) of modules. And a morphism thereof is just a pair of morphisms of R-modules. Pretty pedestrian really.
There are several forgetful functors R-SuperMod -> R-Mod, but the one we want is (M0,M1) |-> M0 + M1 (direct sum).

Slightly more interesting: if R is commutative, so that the tensor product of two R-modules is naturally an R-module again, define
(M0,M1) @R (N0,N1) = (M0 @R N0 + M1 @R N1, M0 @R N1 + M1 @R N0).

a. Make (detailed) sense of the following statement, and prove it (not much detail):
"The functors Forget o @ and @ o Forget are naturally isomorphic."

Define an R-superalgebra as an R-supermodule M plus an associative "multiplication" M @R M -> M.

b. Given an R-module N, define a superalgebra structure on the supermodule (R,N).

Call a superalgebra (M0,M1) supercommutative if M0 commutes with everything, and M1 anticommutes with itself, i.e. ab = -ba for a,b in M1. (Cohomology rings from topology are examples, where M0 is the sum of the even-degree parts, M1 the odd.)

c. Given a supermodule M, define the "free supercommutative superalgebra" on M. It should be a left adjoint to the forgetful functor from supercommutative superalgebras to supermodules.

3. Let R = Q[x] / < x2 - n >, where Q is the rationals and n is an integer. Assume R is not a field. Describe R in terms of more familiar rings.

4. Let H be a subgroup of G. Show there is a unique largest normal subgroup of H and give a way to check whether h in H is an element thereof.
