Allen Knutson's other class

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mon Jan 29

The category R-Mod of left R-modules and R-linear maps.
Z-Mod = abelian groups.
C-Mod = complex vector spaces.
C[x]-Mod = complex vector spaces equipped with specific endomorphisms.
Isomorphism classes in this last category correspond to Jordan canonical forms.

Submodules, quotient modules. Infinite products vs. infinite direct sums.
Left ideals.
Given m in an R-module M, we get an R-linear map R -> M, whose kernel is a left ideal.
Conversely, given a left ideal I, we get a map R -> R/I of R-modules (not rings).

I claimed that R is a (R x Rop)-module. Not so. It is a left R-module, and a left Rop-module, but we can't glue them together so easily; this will await tensor products.

Mon Jan 29

The category R-Mod of left R-modules and R-linear maps.
Z-Mod = abelian groups.
C-Mod = complex vector spaces.
C[x]-Mod = complex vector spaces equipped with specific endomorphisms.
Isomorphism classes in this last category correspond to Jordan canonical forms.

Submodules, quotient modules. Infinite products vs. infinite direct sums.
Left ideals.
Given m in an R-module M, we get an R-linear map R -> M, whose kernel is a left ideal.
Conversely, given a left ideal I, we get a map R -> R/I of R-modules (not rings).

I claimed that R is a (R x Rop)-module. Not so. It is a left R-module, and a left Rop-module, but we can't glue them together so easily; this will await tensor products.

Monday, January 29, 2007

HW #3 due Fri Feb 2 -- corrected

1a. Let f:R->S be a ring homomorphism, and M a left S-module. Show that M has also the structure of an R-module.

b. Even better... show that there is a functor S-Mod -> R-Mod (the categories of left modules), where the above says what to do with the objects.

c. Even better... show that there is a functor Ringop -> Cat, taking R |-> R-Mod.

2. Let M be a left R-module, and A,B two submodules. Show that the abelian subgroups A+B, A intersect B are also submodules.

3a. Let b be an element of the ring R. Show that the smallest 2-sided ideal containing b is RbR := {sumi ribsi}.

b. Let R = Mn(C), nxn complex matrices, and b a nonzero matrix. Show that RbR = R, i.e. this R is a "simple" ring.

4. Let A,B be two abelian groups. Show that Hom(A,B) is not only an abelian group, but a left End(A)op x End(B) module End(B)-module, and also a left End(A)op module.
(We will later show it to be a left End(A)op tensor End(B) module.)

5. Recall the definitions of initial (resp. terminal) object X in a category; there exists a unique morphism out of X to (resp. into X from) any other object Y.

Find an initial and a terminal object in the category Ring = {rings with units, s.t. homomorphisms preserve the units}. (As the example Set shows, they need not be the same object.)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Office hours

Wednesday after class, 2-2:45
Thursday morning 11-12
Anytime you find me (10-2 most likely) if you're lucky
7450 APM

Wed Jan 24

(2-sided) ideals are exactly the kernels of ring homomorphisms.

The "multiplicative group" functor Ring -> Grp. Note that this only makes sense if ring homomorphisms are required to preserve the unit.

3 defs of G-set:
1. functor from C_G to Set
2. action map G x X -> X satisfying some properties
3. group homomorphism G -> Sym(X).

3 defs of left R-module:
1. additive functor from C_R to Ab
2. action map R x M -> M satisfying some properties
3. ring homomorphism R -> End(M).

Examples of modules. Sections of the Mobius bundle over the circle.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mon Jan 22

The category Ab of abelian groups is an "additive category".
The inclusion Ab -> Grp has a left adjoint, "abelianization", G |-> G/G'.

Categorical def: a ring is a 1-object additive category.
Unpacked, we get the usual definition of ring-with-unit.

Def: additive functor. Consequently, we get a def: ring homomorphism. (Preserving unit!)

Some examples of rings: Mn(C), Z[i], Fun(X -> Reals), Z[x-hat, d/dx].

Friday, January 19, 2007

HW due Friday Jan 26 -- corrected

1. Define a category Graph whose objects are digraphs, and define a forgetful functor Cat -> Graph.

2. Show that the "free category on a digraph" (from last HW) extends to a functor Graph -> Cat.

3. Show that these two functors (in #1 and #2) are adjoint.

4. Call a category a pre-poset if any two objects A,B have at most one morphism A->B. This defines a subcategory Pre-poset of Cat. Show that the inclusion functor Pre-poset -> Cat has a right left adjoint Cat -> Pre-poset. (In particular, figure out how to assign a pre-poset to a category.)

[This left adjoint is almost a right adjoint... there is a natural transformation from one of the relevant set-valued hom functors to the other; it's just not an isomorphism.]

5. Define the cardinality |C| of a category C as a sum over the isomorphism classes of objects, of 1 / |Aut(X)|. (This definition rarely makes sense -- Aut(X) may be infinite, or the sum may diverge -- but it's cool when it does.)

a. Check that |FinSet| = e, where FinSet is the category of finite sets.

b. Let X be a G-set (both finite), and X/G the category defined in class, whose objects are X and Hom(x,y) = {g : gx = y}. Show that |X/G| = |X|/|G|.

(If you think this stuff is cool, you might check out this chatty paper for lots more about it!)

6. Let C be a category that has products. For every X,Y objects in C, pick a product of X and Y; call this choice P : CxC -> C. Show that P can be extended to a functor.

7. Let Mon be the category of monoids, and Grp -> Mon the inclusion functor. Find left and right adjoints of this functor (two ways of assigning a group to a monoid).

Fri Jan 19

The "opposite category" is a functor Cat -> Cat.

The functors Hom(X,*) : C -> Set and Hom(*,X) : Cop -> Set.

Natural isomorphisms.

The product of two categories.

Given functors C->D or D->C, we get functors Cop x D -> Set.
If they're naturally isomorphic, call the functors adjoint.

Left adjoints of several forgetful functors. The right adjoint of forget : Top -> Set.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wed Jan 17

Recall: group = a set + three operations + some axioms. Group homomorphism: a function preserving the operations.
Recall: category = two sets (objects and morphisms) + two operations + some axioms. Define a functor as two functions preserving the operations.

Some examples:
Forgetful functors (-> Set).
The vector space with given basis (Set -> Vec).
The one-object category made from a group (Grp -> Cat, G |-> CG).
G-sets (CG -> Set).

Natural transformations of functors.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

TA office hours and section

"Office hours are 1-2pm Tuesday in AP&M 6446 this quarter. Also, graduate TAs are supposed to hold sections this quarter. I decided on 4-5 pm Wednesday as a time, and they said we could hold the section in the basement calc lab."

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

HW #1 due Friday Jan 19 -- major correction

1. Prove the assertion from class that "disjoint union with basepoints amalgamated" really is the coproduct in the category of sets-with-basepoints.

2. A directed graph or digraph (V,E,h,t) is a pair of sets V and E (called "vertices" and "edges") plus two functions h,t: E -> V called "head" and "tail".
(In particular, these digraphs may have repeated edges, and h(e)=t(e), whatever.)

a. Given a category, come up with a definition of "the underlying directed graph".

b. Given a directed graph, come up with a (more interesting) definition of "the free category on the directed graph".

You can check that you have the right notion using the following:

c. Given a poset P, define a directed graph G such that the free category on G is the category we associated to P. Oops, this isn't quite possible for infinite P. So assume P finite.
OOPS. Not any poset will do. Assume that there is at most one chain p > q > ... > s connecting any two elements p,s.

d. Let v,w be two vertices of a directed graph G. If the corresponding objects in the free category on G are isomorphic, show v=w.

3. Define a monomorphism f as one such that whenever f o g = f o h, it follows that g = h. (Here f,g,h are various morphisms in C for which o is defined.)

a. Let C = Set. Show f is monic (i.e. a monomorphism) iff f is 1:1.

b. (Harder.) Let C = Grp. Show f is monic iff f is 1:1.

Probably some more as I think of them; Monday at the latest.


The opposite category to a category.
Terminal objects. Which are...
"Unique up to unique isomorphism." Some examples. Initial objects.
Given A,B in Obj(C), we defined a category CA,B where a terminal object is a product of A and B.
Coproduct in Set = disjoint union.
Coproduct in Set* = disjoint union with basepoints amalgamated.
Coproduct in Grp = free product of groups.

No class on Friday (I am attending a funeral) or Monday (MLK birthday), so see you next Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

200B begins, and first day's topics

200B will focus on [Hungerford] chapters 10 (categories), 3,4,8 (commutative rings and modules). It is no longer in the Halkin room but in 7421.

First day (1/8):

Before starting categories...
Groups of permutations are certain special collections of functions.
Abstract groups aren't -- you don't "evaluate them on elements". You can only think about the group multiplication (and identity and inverses).

Definition of a category. Examples, consisting of collections of objects and certain special collections of functions, e.g. Set, Vec, Top, Grp, Top*.
More abstract examples: any poset (where each hom-set has at most one element), any group (a single-object category), X/G where X is a G-set.

Definition: a product of two objects in a category.
We pretty nearly proved that products are unique up to unique isomorphism, but it got really rushed, so we'll attack it anew and slightly differently next time.