Allen Knutson's other class

Saturday, April 07, 2007

HW #1 due Friday Apr 13

1. In class we lamented that for G acting on a finite set X, we could hardly figure out anything about the action knowing only XG.

Let ZX be the free abelian group generated by X; the action of G on X extends in a unique way to an action on Zx by group automorphisms.

What can you determine about the action of G on X, knowing (ZX)G?

2. Define an R-supermodule as...
oh, this sounds so exciting! ...
... a pair (M0,M1) of modules. And a morphism thereof is just a pair of morphisms of R-modules. Pretty pedestrian really.
There are several forgetful functors R-SuperMod -> R-Mod, but the one we want is (M0,M1) |-> M0 + M1 (direct sum).

Slightly more interesting: if R is commutative, so that the tensor product of two R-modules is naturally an R-module again, define
(M0,M1) @R (N0,N1) = (M0 @R N0 + M1 @R N1, M0 @R N1 + M1 @R N0).

a. Make (detailed) sense of the following statement, and prove it (not much detail):
"The functors Forget o @ and @ o Forget are naturally isomorphic."

Define an R-superalgebra as an R-supermodule M plus an associative "multiplication" M @R M -> M.

b. Given an R-module N, define a superalgebra structure on the supermodule (R,N).

Call a superalgebra (M0,M1) supercommutative if M0 commutes with everything, and M1 anticommutes with itself, i.e. ab = -ba for a,b in M1. (Cohomology rings from topology are examples, where M0 is the sum of the even-degree parts, M1 the odd.)

c. Given a supermodule M, define the "free supercommutative superalgebra" on M. It should be a left adjoint to the forgetful functor from supercommutative superalgebras to supermodules.

3. Let R = Q[x] / < x2 - n >, where Q is the rationals and n is an integer. Assume R is not a field. Describe R in terms of more familiar rings.

4. Let H be a subgroup of G. Show there is a unique largest normal subgroup of H and give a way to check whether h in H is an element thereof.



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