Allen Knutson's other class

Friday, December 08, 2006

Answers to the final

I've posted the answers here.

This test was too long. I apologize for that.

Anyway, what's a test like this about? It's not what we're really using to measure your progress in the UCSD PhD program. That's what the qualifying exams are for. I think I can assert safely that they will have easier questions than my half of this test. So, take this as an upper bound.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Office hours finals week

I'm available for office hours from 10-1 each day this week. These are not drop-in times; rather, email me the night before saying something like "I'll be by tomorrow starting a little after 11 for office hours". Emailing half an hour before also has a chance of working but is less recommended.

You can of course drop by 7450 to try your luck, but it may not be very good.