HW due Friday Jan 26 -- corrected
1. Define a category Graph whose objects are digraphs, and define a forgetful functor Cat -> Graph.
2. Show that the "free category on a digraph" (from last HW) extends to a functor Graph -> Cat.
3. Show that these two functors (in #1 and #2) are adjoint.
4. Call a category a pre-poset if any two objects A,B have at most one morphism A->B. This defines a subcategory Pre-poset of Cat. Show that the inclusion functor Pre-poset -> Cat has aright left adjoint Cat -> Pre-poset. (In particular, figure out how to assign a pre-poset to a category.)
[This left adjoint is almost a right adjoint... there is a natural transformation from one of the relevant set-valued hom functors to the other; it's just not an isomorphism.]
5. Define the cardinality |C| of a category C as a sum over the isomorphism classes of objects, of 1 / |Aut(X)|. (This definition rarely makes sense -- Aut(X) may be infinite, or the sum may diverge -- but it's cool when it does.)
a. Check that |FinSet| = e, where FinSet is the category of finite sets.
b. Let X be a G-set (both finite), and X/G the category defined in class, whose objects are X and Hom(x,y) = {g : gx = y}. Show that |X/G| = |X|/|G|.
(If you think this stuff is cool, you might check out this chatty paper for lots more about it!)
6. Let C be a category that has products. For every X,Y objects in C, pick a product of X and Y; call this choice P : CxC -> C. Show that P can be extended to a functor.
7. Let Mon be the category of monoids, and Grp -> Mon the inclusion functor. Find left and right adjoints of this functor (two ways of assigning a group to a monoid).
2. Show that the "free category on a digraph" (from last HW) extends to a functor Graph -> Cat.
3. Show that these two functors (in #1 and #2) are adjoint.
4. Call a category a pre-poset if any two objects A,B have at most one morphism A->B. This defines a subcategory Pre-poset of Cat. Show that the inclusion functor Pre-poset -> Cat has a
[This left adjoint is almost a right adjoint... there is a natural transformation from one of the relevant set-valued hom functors to the other; it's just not an isomorphism.]
5. Define the cardinality |C| of a category C as a sum over the isomorphism classes of objects, of 1 / |Aut(X)|. (This definition rarely makes sense -- Aut(X) may be infinite, or the sum may diverge -- but it's cool when it does.)
a. Check that |FinSet| = e, where FinSet is the category of finite sets.
b. Let X be a G-set (both finite), and X/G the category defined in class, whose objects are X and Hom(x,y) = {g : gx = y}. Show that |X/G| = |X|/|G|.
(If you think this stuff is cool, you might check out this chatty paper for lots more about it!)
6. Let C be a category that has products. For every X,Y objects in C, pick a product of X and Y; call this choice P : CxC -> C. Show that P can be extended to a functor.
7. Let Mon be the category of monoids, and Grp -> Mon the inclusion functor. Find left and right adjoints of this functor (two ways of assigning a group to a monoid).
At 4:00 AM,
Suzan Abrams, email: suzanabrams@live.co.uk said…
Hi Allan,
Only just read your comment on my blog about Gertie Ogoston.
Yes, it is odd.
My father had her book amongst many others, shelved in his little library in the dining room. We lived in Klang, a small town in Malaysia, near the capital Kuala Lumpur. Those days saw heavy British influences as we had left colonial rule about 10 to 12 years before that.
I rather think that My Carnal Confessions would have made for a more torrid memory but we can't change the books we remember :-)
with regards
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