1. Define a category Graph whose objects are digraphs, and define a forgetful functor Cat -> Graph.
2. Show that the "free category on a digraph" (from last HW) extends to a functor Graph -> Cat.
3. Show that these two functors (in #1 and #2) are adjoint.
4. Call a category a
pre-poset if any two objects A,B have at most one morphism A->B. This defines a subcategory
Pre-poset of Cat. Show that the inclusion functor Pre-poset -> Cat has a
right left adjoint Cat -> Pre-poset. (In particular, figure out how to assign a pre-poset to a category.)
[This left adjoint is almost a right adjoint... there is a natural transformation from one of the relevant set-valued hom functors to the other; it's just not an isomorphism.]
5. Define the
cardinality |C| of a category C as a sum over the isomorphism classes of objects, of 1 / |Aut(X)|. (This definition rarely makes sense -- Aut(X) may be infinite, or the sum may diverge -- but it's cool when it does.)
a. Check that |FinSet| = e, where FinSet is the category of finite sets.
b. Let X be a G-set (both finite), and X/G the category defined in class, whose objects are X and Hom(x,y) = {g : gx = y}. Show that |X/G| = |X|/|G|.
(If you think this stuff is cool, you might check out
this chatty paper for lots more about it!)
6. Let C be a category that has products. For every X,Y objects in C, pick a product of X and Y; call this choice P : CxC -> C. Show that P can be extended to a functor.
7. Let Mon be the category of monoids, and Grp -> Mon the inclusion functor. Find left and right adjoints of this functor (two ways of assigning a group to a monoid).