Allen Knutson's other class

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Canceled class

Due to a family emergency, class is canceled until further notice.
Lance Small will be taking the reins when qual season winds down; this will be announced here.

Speaking of quals, the algebra qual is graded and will be available soon.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

HW due Wednesday May 30

For those who want practice with Hilbert series...

1. Let I in R=C[a,b,c,d] be the ideal < a,b > intersect < c,d >, which for your information happens to be generated by < ac,ad,bc,bd >. Compute the Hilbert function of R/I, and compute the Hilbert series as a rational function.

2. Let X be the space of rank 1 matrices with entries
[a b c]
[d e f].
a. What are the equations that say that X is rank at most 1?
b. Let I be the ideal they generate, and compute the Hilbert function/series for C[a,b,c,d,e,f]/I.

3. Define a quasipolynomial f:Z->Z to be a function s.t. there exists a d>0 s.t. f is a polynomial on {a in Z : a = k mod d}, for each k=1..d. For example f(n) = (-1)n is a quasipolynomial with d=2 (or any multiple).

Let R be a Noetherian graded ring, with R0 a field F, and let M be a finitely generated graded R-module.

a. Show that the Hilbert function of M is eventually a quasipolynomial.
b. Show that the Hilbert series of M is a rational function.


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Composition of separability

Some people asked me whether F >= E >= K separable implies F >= K separable.
(Here >= means greater than or equal to.)
Here's my argument yes.

Lemma 1. A >= B >= C >= D, with A >= D separable, implies B >= C separable.
Proof. A >= D is a condition on individual elements of A, so we can restrict to A=B.
Given b in B, let f(x) be its minimal polynomial in D[x], separable.
This factors in C[x], one factor of which (still separable) is the new min poly of b.

Lemma 2. If A >= B is separable and purely inseparable, they are equal.
We did this in class.

Okay, now for the theorem.
Let f be the element we want to test, with m(x) in K[x] its minimal polynomial.
If m(x) isn't separable, then (by the derivative and GCD trick from the homework) all its exponents are divisible by pb for some positive power of p; choose b largest. Then m(x) = n(xpb) for a unique n(x), necessarily separable and irreducible. In particular fpb is separable over K.
Now consider the chain F >= E[f] >= E[fpb] >= E.
The middle extension is purely inseparable. By lemma 1, it's separable. Hence by lemma 2, E[f] = E[fpb].
Now we have the chain E[fpb] = E[f] >= K[f] >= K.
Since fpb is separable over K, this big extension is separable;
hence by lemma 1, K[f] is separable over K, which was to be proven.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Midterm Friday May 11

Just fields, just up through Monday. You may bring a cheat sheet.

A practice question:

Let F be a finite field with 26 = 64 elements.

a. How many of them are primitive (i.e. have multiplicative order 63)?

b. Recall that Gal(F/F2) is generated by the Frobenius.
Show that it preserves the primitive elements.

c. How many orbits does Gal(F/F2) have on the set of primitive elements?
