The "+" in what follows are direct sums.
1. Let R be a ring, and F
0 > F
1 > F
2 > ... be a succesion of abelian subgroups of the additive group R. Assume F
0 = R. Write
FR = R/F
1 + F
2 + ...
Figure out an obvious condition on the {F
k} such that gr
FR is a ring in a "natural" way. Your condition should be general enough to include the case {F
k = I
k} where I is a 2-sided ideal, and it should imply that each F
k is an ideal.
(It was pointed out to me that I didn't define I
k in class. It is generated by all k-fold products of elements from I.)
HINT. The "gr" stands for "graded", where the "
kth graded piece" (gr
k := F
k+1. Set up the multiplication so that (gr
k times (gr
j goes into (gr
j+k. In particular, each graded piece is a module over (gr
0 = R/I, and hence a module over R.
This condition makes F into a
decreasing filtration.
2. Let R = C[x], I an ideal, and F
k = I
k. F is called the
I-adic filtration.
a) If I = < x >, show that gr
FR is isomorphic to R.
b) If I = < x
2 >, show that gr
FR is not isomorphic to R.
3. Let M be a left R-module, and define
FM = M/F
1M + F
2M + F
3M + ...
a) Show that gr
FM is naturally a gr
b) Indeed, figure out how to use "extension of scalars" to make this happen automatically. (Lots has to be invented for this -- e.g. where's the ring homomorphism?)
CORRECTION. While there is a map from the tensor product suggested by extension of scalars to gr
FM, it doesn't seem to always be 1:1. Show that it is in the case that F
j = < b
j >, i.e. the < b >-adic filtration.
4a) Now let G
0 < G
1 < ... be an
increasing filtration, and define gr
GM := G
0M + G
2 M/G
1M + ...
The same condition from before makes gr
GR into a ring.
If gr
GM is finitely generated, it doesn't follow that M is finitely generated. Find a nice condition on G under which one
can draw the conclusion of finite generation.
HINT. It can fail when R = C[x] and G
i = C for all i.
HINT. This should remind you of the "N and M/N f.g. => M f.g." question from last week.
4. Let I be an ideal in C[x,y]. Let G
j = {polynomials with highest x power at most j}, H
j = {polynomials with highest y power at most j}
a) Let J = gr
G gr
H I. It is a module over gr
HC[x,y] ~ C[x,y]. Show that J is generated by monomials.
b) [Combinatorics.] Show that any ideal in C[x,y] generated by monomials is generated by finitely many such.
c) Infer that all ideals are finitely generated as C[x,y]-modules.